Archive For: Podcast

Designed for Success …


Philippe Guichard has lots of exciting stories to tell.  And, as if being an award-winning industrial designer isn’t enough, he is also an international man of mystery!  An extremely talented man, Philippe has set himself a personal goal – his


A blueprint for superpower …


“She knows everything” isn’t a bad introduction for someone who is a self-confessed life-long learner.  Truth is Julie Ann Sullivan knows a heck of a lot!  An interesting point of example is that she holds the fascinating combination of a


Enter the LinkedIn Ninja !


Is your Social Media a battlefield? Is a bout of lead-generating guerilla warfare called for?   If so, we have the answer … Jillian Bullock, LinkedIn™ specialist, Award Winning and Certified LinkedIn Ninja is just the person to lead the


Let’s Get Laughing

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Warwick was fortunate enough to be interviewed for the Laughter Channel podcast. This is a show who’s patron is Patch Adams (you know the doctor with the fake nose portrayed by Robin Williams in the film?) and is dedicated to


The School of Hard Knock Knocks …


Morry Morgan has a head-spinning talent for taking multi-skilling to an exceptional level.  He has made the word ‘different’ his own and applied it to just about everything he has turned his hand to.  In today’s session of The Get


Pivoting can be riveting …

karen schmidt

How sustainable is your success? You can’t always maintain a high level of performance without some cracks starting to appear.   Triggers like anger, anxiety and addiction are sign-posts that show we may need to swing our focus around to achieve


The 10 Tips in 10 Days Challenge


Recently I took part in the 10 Tips in 10 Days Challenge on LinkedIn. I shot 10 different videos that were about 2 minutes long, all over Melbourne.

I got a lot of great feedback from people so I thought


Walking with Giants …


Have you ever wanted to walk with giants through a city street?  Well, our next guest did exactly that.  From just a vision to the reality of actually walking with giant marionettes, he guided a team of hundreds to make


Singing – the universal language of the heart …


Are the catch-phrases ‘never give up’, ‘believe in yourself’ and ‘follow your dreams’ your day-to-day reality? Does being an acclaimed Opera Singer, an Entrepreneur or an Innovator appear on your Wish List? Do your achievements include successfully running 5 businesses