Safety first is Safety Wise …

Luke Dam

We are thrilled to have with us on the Get More Show, the Chief Operations Officer of Safety Wise, Luke Dam. Safety Wise is listed as one of Australia’s top 200 companies of the future. What do they do? Investigate workplace accidents – fatalities and serious injuries!

In our chat today, Luke measures his success on two levels – firstly a professional one involving the recognition his company has achieved in its 15 years of operation and secondly a personal one, namely, his involvement in the improvements Safety Wise are achieving and the way in which it is doing these.

Once a small family business, Safety Wise now has an international reach with growing demand for its investigative and training skills. Its success has reached a point where it delivers services and programs in multiple languages.  

The recent accolades from Westpac’s Business of Tomorrow program and the Manningham Business Excellence Awards are wonderful, but it has been the actual process of applying for these awards which has caused Luke and his team to look at their business objectively and question their work processes. This has lead to a massive benefit to the business and provides a core element to their company’s growth from which we can all learn.

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