Award Winning Deep Storage

DEEP STORAGE_Miles ONeil as Gus small

Deep Storage is an award winning film from Susan Earl produced by Janine Barnes from Happening Films.

It is showing until 31 July 2017 as part of the Social Shorts Online Film Festival. Brought to you by Australia Film Institute and Australian Academy Cinema Television Arts.

I love this film. It is visually stunning, a sweet story and some brilliant acting. It looks like I am not the only one who loves it either. Recently it won the best short award at the Bentonville Film Festiville in Arkansas.

So in this episode of Get More Success I spoke with the film’s writer/director Susan Earl about where the film came from, how the story came about and what it took to create an Award Winning Short.

While Susan is committed to the art form (She also won an award for an animated short at the Paris Film Festival) she is also a realist and likes to pay her bills. This is not always an easy combination so we chatted about how she juggled that too.

One of the key characters in this film is the storage facility. The film wouldn’t be the same with out it. So we also chatted about what it takes to get corporate sponsorship and what she did to get Kennards Self Storage on board.

Have a listen to the show and then go and see the film. It is showing here online until 31 July 2017. After you have seen it, give it a like so Susan can win another award for her creation.

You can see other work and shorts (including the award winning Valmay) at Susan’s website. You can also contact her from that website too.


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