The Holy Sh!t Moment

james fell

James Fell is a well known, well regarded Canadian based author and internet influencer. He is most well known for his writings and Facebook musings under his brand Body For Wife.

Let’s cut to the chase, James has a new book coming out. It’s called “The Holy Sh!t Moment – How lasting change can happen in an instant.”


I was fortunate enough to have a chat with James about the book. James himself had an epiphany that resulting in lasting change around his daily habits, fitness, alcohol intake and approach to life. Upon examining it, it intrigued him to find out is it a fluke, is it common, can it be repeated. (By the way the answers are no, yes and yes).

So what does it take to have a life changing epiphany and how do you set the environment up to get ready for one? Well for that answer, you need to get the book (I’ve read it, it’s science based, loaded with case studies and awesome.) You DON’T need to pay a guru loads of money, believe in some woo woo sect or go live in a cave for a year!

The research shows, you need to let your true self and true values shine forth. To do that will take effort (there is NO magic pill) and there are a number of things you can do to set yourself up for success. Treating yourself nicely is a good start. External validation and love is also great (and pets like Winston the Wonder Poodle can do that!) Maybe even a hobby that lights a spark in your soul to show life isn’t all drudgery

Like I said, we are talking science but not rocket science. We had a great chat and James shared a few more stories and secrets to his work. We even talked about using the force and how to “light the lamp and not the rat.”

Enjoy the episode and don’t forget to check out James’ new book – it’s well worth the read.



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