Progressively realise your goals

He loves cars; but doesn’t have one … he loves news but doesn’t have a TV … What Terry Brock does have, in abundance, is a zest for being at the leading edge of technology and meaningful communication. Our guest …
He loves cars; but doesn’t have one … he loves news but doesn’t have a TV … What Terry Brock does have, in abundance, is a zest for being at the leading edge of technology and meaningful communication. Our guest …
One of Larry Fingleson’s goals is never to retire. Doing more for society may play a wider role in his future activities; so his plan is to continually use his skills and engagement to make a positive difference in the …
When an injury thwarted her ballet career, Michelle Bowden refocussed her passion on a different platform – becoming a professional presenter. Today Michelle is one of the very best presenters/trainers/pitch coaches in Australia.
There is joy in the laughter …
When we learn that today’s young guest’s work is focussed on coaching other young people and her definition of success is “power”, we know we are in for a great discussion. Lindsey Leigh doesn’t disappoint.
Lindsey tells us that many …
How appropriate that, at this time of Lockdown, we have Peter Thurin, with his super-powers as a global businessman, Blackbelt martial artist, speaker, coach and mentor join us, to inspire others and give people the tools they need to …
Have you ever wanted to be a ‘fly on the wall’? To hear what is said, to learn what you need and to applaud yourself on the prized information you have scooped? We have the next best thing …
The …
Tathra Street is best described as being a global citizen – a powerful, table-flipping conduit to a blended workforce. So it is no surprise to learn in our Podcast today that her purpose in life is to change the face …
The great Australian dream is to become a property owner. Todays guest, Bernadette Janson’s dream is to put that dream into the reach of people, particularly women, who may not have thought it possible.
To do this she has established …
What do you get when you put Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics together? One answer is a style of education; another, and importantly for us today, it’s also an introduction to a very remarkable guest, Neil Thompson.
With a …
What is often clad in green, travels like the wind and is ‘totally out there’? Why, it’s our guest today, Anton Guinea. We are very pleased to have some time with Anton – a champion Triathlete and Consultant Leadership …